Here is the repository of information on world-wide collections from different laboratories of free-living nematodes of the Caenorhabditis genus and some other nematode general. Ask each relevant lab for their respective strains if they are not at CGC or CeNDR.

A few useful links :
For sequence information for wild isolates of C. elegans, see CeNDR by Erik Andersen’s lab.
For sequence information for other Caenorhabditis species and beyond, see Wormbase, WormBase Parasite, or the Caenorhabditis Genomes Project by Mark Blaxter’s lab.
For various information on Caenorhabditis species, see and participate to the wiki.
The Félix lab strain collection is here, also containing mutant strains. The Braendle lab wild isolate collection is here. This database is managed by Marie-Anne Félix. Please send information when you isolate new strains or if you see changes to be made.
See bellow
For identification of the lab codes, see.
This database is managed by Marie-Anne Félix
Please send information when you isolate new strains or if you see changes to be made.
Web design: Jean-Baptiste Pénigault.
This revision was designed and developped by AgileBio.
Web hosting by JustBio.com for the scientific community.
The different fields of the database are coordinated with those at CeNDR. Please refer to previous entries for formats. Leave empty if irrelevant or unknown.
species = genus and species full names
strain = alphanumeric strain name
source_lab = lab code of the lab that donated the strain
landscape = coding developed to described for the area where a strain is collected [Forest, Agricultural_land, Urban_garden, Rural_garden, Botanical_garden/zoo, Wet_shrubland]
locality_description = free description, including name of village/city, state for US/Canada, country
substrate = item sampled from nature [format as much as possible like previous entries]
substrate_comments = notes about the sample and area in nature
latitude = GPS in decimal format
longitude = GPS in decimal format
species_ID_method = test cross, ITS2 sequence, etc.
associated_organism = organism isolated from the same sample, for example a pathogen
life_stage = developmental stage of the animal at the time of sampling, dauer, L4, adult, etc.
log_size_of_population = 1 if < 10, 2 if < 100, etc.
males_observed = whether males were observed in the population or as F1 progeny
inbreeding_state = [Isofemale, Selfed, Multifemale, Multiple worms]
sampled_by = the person who collected the sample from nature
sampling_date = day when the sample was taken in YYYY-MM-DD format
sampling_date_comments = notes about the sampling date, often if it is not known exactly notes = additional comments, including history of when the strain was sent to CGC
isolated_by = the person who picked the worm in the lab
set = the numbered set that the strain belongs in CeNDR
isotype = based on sequence data, the isotype to which a strain belongs
previous_names = any strain names used for this strain previous (e.g. N2 for VC2010)
sequenced = 0 or 1 for whether the strain has been whole-genome sequenced
release = release date for this strain’s data at CeNDR
substrate_temp = temperature in C for the substrate
ambient_temp = temperature in C at the time of collection
ambient_humidity = humidity in %RH at the time of collection
photo = name and location of the photo of the collection