JustBio Axion MEA Tools

Axion MEA MAESTRO Raw File Processing

Provide here your data set to process:

File Names:
be of forrmat PLATEn_DATE.csv or PLATEn_DATE(001)_NeuralMetrics.csv
DATE format = YYYY.MM.DD (like 2015.04.23)

Example of vaid names:
- PLATE1_2015.05.29.csv
- PLATE1_2015.05.29(003)_neuralMetrics .csv

Content: Can be used with sets of 12, 48 or 96 wells

- If you miss a plate in your set, you can use a file with no values. We provide here an example: download a template (12 wells) or download a template (48 wells).
- All files in set MUST be of same algorithm.

Multiple raw files:

Drag and drop a CSV file

(use a recent browser and select all files to upload at once)

Parameter to extract:

OPTIONAL: Divide by (ratio):

(this will output the ratio of both fields)

CSV separator: Tab ; ,